Sunday, June 17, 2007

I'm Thirsty

I hope this is the closest I will ever get to experiencing torture. I have no water. I was in the middle of taking a shower around midnight and then all of the sudden, the water pressure changed to a mere trickle. Now, I'm not talking about the trickle you experience when someone turns on the washing machine or flushes a toilet, I'm talking SERIOUS trickle. Not the trickle of a peaceful creek in the middle of a forest. I'm talking "make you want to use every cuss word you've ever heard" kinda trickle. I called the kind man at the Water Works around 12:30 AM and he said he would send someone out. I told him I was sure I had paid my bill. He just laughed at me. I also started to wonder if they knew I had been watering my garden on my "unauthorized" days. Well, all that said, no one came. I called another "less kind but equally cordial" man around 1:30 PM, told him my situation and he said he would send someone out.

What's worse, It's 2PM, I have to be at work by 5:45PM and I HAVE NO WATER. I'm going to have to resort to the unspeakable..... I'm going to have to go work out at the gym and then take a shower there. I know what you are thinking, "how can she do that?" But ladies and gentlemen, it's my last option. I just hope the water is back on in the morning because I'd really hate to have to go work out again!

1 comment:

Julie A. said...

Girl!! I'm missing it all! I'm so sorry you had to go work out.