Friday, August 10, 2007

It's Not the End of the World

I'm officially "in" my thirties. I'm not just thirty anymore; I'm actually IN my thirties. Part of me wants to feel depressed about being in my thirties and single. But you know what, I'm not. It's just another day. Most people say I can pass for 25 or 26 anyhow. And about being single.... there are lots of good things about being single. Here are a few I can think of:

1. I can eat cereal three meals a day and no one gets mad at me for not cooking.

2. I get the bed ALL to myself.

3. If the cap is left off the toothpaste, I'm the only one to blame.

4. The toilet seat is ALWAYS in the down position.

5. I can stay out as late as I want.

Now, I don't LOVE being single but I'm content. I'm at a place where I have stopped asking God "why" and instead, I'm asking him "where next?" Someone once told me that if we really could see the entire map of our lives, we'd be utterly and miserably depressed. Inch by inch he prepares us in advance for every roadblock and every open highway. I don't consider 31 to be a roadblock. I'm feeling like this is going to be a year in the convertible... with the top down, the sun ablaze, and James Taylor on the radio (or at least a year in my 2000 Civic, with the sun roof open, the sun ablaze with 100+ degree heat, and James Taylor on the radio).

Here are a few pictures from my birthday extravaganza with some of the girls from work. Just imagine, margaritas and bowling... what a combination!


Sarah said...

Happy Birthday! Welcome to the 31 club, where being single is NOT the worst situation to be in. Thanks for being so wonderful!

bsimmons715 said...

Welcome to 31! The only bad thing about "being" in your 30s is that stretching after long runs is no longer optional.

I love your outlook on singleness! A bed to myself, hotwings and pizza whenever I want and leaving the toilet seat UP without getting yelled at. You're right, there is a definite upside.